H-FPSO: Producing Hydrogen With Offshore Wind
After a consortium of Korean research institutions work towards an FPSO design to create an offshore floating offshore plant to produce hydrogen, […]
Extreme E Season Two: Hydrogen Will Take Centre Stage
As motorsport joins the race to decarbonise the transport sector, Extreme E rally is returning for a second season. Hydrogen Industry Leaders […]
How Will a Hydrogen Future be Funded?
As hydrogen begins to dominate the narrative of net-zero across the globe, Hydrogen Industry Leaders answers the hot question, how will it […]
20% Blend of Hydrogen to be Used by The Gas Grid by 2023: Here’s How
After it was announced the gas grid is ready for a 20% hydrogen blend from next year, Hydrogen Industry Leaders looks at […]
Can the UK Provide a Third of Energy Production From Hydrogen by 2050?
Hydrogen Industry Leaders gives a snapshot of what a hydrogen future can be unlocked in the UK by 2050. If the UK […]
Netherlands Look Towards Green Hydrogen as They Cut Emissions
Since the Netherlands government were officially taken to court by the environmental organisation, Urgenda, Hydrogen Industry Leaders gives a snapshot of how […]
€30 Billion for High Tech Champions: How Much for Hydrogen?
After Emmanuel Macron announced a €30 billion plan to create France’s high tech champions of the future, Hydrogen Industry Leaders gives you […]
When Will Hydrogen Become Cheaper Than Diesel?
While there are multiple routes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, there is a shared problem of costing it against […]
Deutsche Bahn: Hydrogen-Powered Trains Arriving by 2050
After Deutsche Bahn announced they will have hydrogen-powered trains replace its fleet of 1,300 diesel locomotives as soon as 2050, Hydrogen Industry […]