70MW Green Hydrogen Plant to be Developed in Germany
Lhyfe has announced the development of a 70MW green hydrogen plant in Perl, Saarland, Germany. How will this boost Germany’s hydrogen infrastructure for industrial use?

Construction of the plant is scheduled to begin in the first half of 2027, with the plant planned to deliver up to 30 tons of green hydrogen per day into the pipeline of the mosaHYc hydrogen island network.

Existing pipelines around Volkingen (Germany), Carling (France), Bouzonville (France) and Perl (Germany) are being examined for their suitability as hydrogen pipelines.

In addition, the construction of new pipelines from Bouzonville in the direction of Dillingen is planned.

Along the mosHYc pipeline, there are a number of industrial consumers who are said to benefit from the advantages of green hydrogen.

Head of Central & Eastern Europe at Lhyfe, Luc Graré explained that the project will contribute to the transformation and future viability of Saarland as an industrial location.

Luc said: “We welcome the fact that the state of Saarland and the city of Perl are focusing on the rapid expansion of a hydrogen infrastructure based on renewable energies. For the construction of the plant, we use state-of-the-art electrolysis technologies with smart software so that the feed-in of electricity from renewable sources can be optimised.

“The project will make a significant contribution to providing competitive and cost-competitive green hydrogen for industry in Saarland.”