Tasmania Recognised for Green Hydrogen Export Potential

A joint study between the Port of Rotterdam and the Tasmanian Government has highlighted the potential in importing green hydrogen from the island.


Tasmania, an island to the southeast of Australia, has the capability to produce clean electricity from wind, solar, and balancing with hydroelectric power, meaning they have some of the lowest green hydrogen production costs globally.

Additionally, the study found that the cost of transporting green hydrogen over a longer distance is not costly and therefore is not considered a limiting factor.

Green hydrogen from Tasmania could enter the supply mix at the Port of Rotterdam, who are becoming an international hydrogen distribution hub, consequently strengthening the hydrogen economy in northwestern Europe.

The verdict of this study comes after the Tasmanian government and the Port of Rotterdam signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the viability of importing Tasmanian green hydrogen in 2021.

Ultimately, the low cost of producing green hydrogen in Tasmania, where renewable energy sources are abundant, cancels out transportation costs.

With the demand for green hydrogen set to increase in Europe over the next decade as the continent strive to hit their energy targets, the market possibilities for Tasmania are promising.