Port of Rotterdam-led Project to Accelerate Hydrogen Innovation

The Port of Rotterdam, the Province of Zuid Holland and more than 40 partners have launched Condor H2; a project for emissions-free inland and near-shore shipping on hydrogen. How will this help to accelerate hydrogen innovation?
Condor H2 will provide fuel cells with a battery pack as well as hydrogen storage on a pay-per-use basis to enable zero-emission shipping with limited up-front investments for ship owners.
The hydrogen will be delivered in ‘tanktainers’ which can be easily loaded on board and quickly swapped when empty, allowing maximum flexibility for longer journeys.
It will see six ports and more than 40 partners, spanning the entire value chain from hydrogen suppliers and distributors to technology providers and shipowners, brought together.
The project is part of the RH2INE network, cooperation between ports, regional governments, and market parties among the Rhine corridor, ranging from Belgium and the Netherlands up to Switzerland.
Having the first vessels with the Condor H2 system sailing on the route in 2025 and enabling 50 emission-free vehicles by 2030 is the aim.