New Hydrogen Fuel Cell Factory Coming to Netherlands
A Dutch fuel cell firm have secured a grant to develop a new hydrogen fuel cell factory in the Greater Rijnmond region of the Netherlands., who specialise in the development, production and integration of fully integrated hydrogen fuel cell systems, will use the €1.98m (approximately £1.7m) grant to build the new factory, which will produce Zepp’s Y50 and X150 fully integrated hydrogen fuel cell modules.

In enabling the company to scale up its production to 1,000 systems annually, it is hoped that the new factory will strengthen their position in the European hydrogen sector.

Jonas Brendelberger, co-founder of, explained that the factory will scale up the production and deployment of its system over the course of the next few years, while enabling the company to accelerate its technology.

“We are thrilled and proud to receive this significant grant from the JTF,” he said.

“This is an important step towards establishing a new state-of-the-art production facility for our fuel cell systems.

This latest news follows contracts signed in November last year, which will see semi-trucks equipped with zepp’s hydrogen technology deployed on roads later this year.