Green Hydrogen Project in Uruguay to Begin Imminently

Italian automotive company Saceem, in collaboration with the Uruguayan Government, has secured $10 million in funding to establish a green hydrogen production plant in Uruguay.
The funding will be provided by the Green Hydrogen Sector Fund of the Uruguay Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining (MIEM) over a period of ten years.
Referred to as the H24U project, its initial objective is to supply green hydrogen to heavy-duty transport, which accounts for approximately 28% of the country’s energy demand, as indicated by the 2021 National Energy Balance.
Subsequently, the MIEM plans to introduce green hydrogen into the existing gas network in Paysandú, an innovative pilot initiative that would assess the decarbonization of larger-scale gas networks for the first time.
The MIEM anticipates that this project will facilitate the formulation of regulations and knowledge pertaining to green hydrogen production, which can later be expanded to other sectors on a national level.