Germany to Join Mediterranean Hydrogen Project

It has been revealed that Germany will be joining the H2Med project alongside Spain, France, and Portugal. How will the project support Spain in becoming a leading hub for green energy?
The new project called H2Med aims to bring hydrogen produced from renewable sources in Spain and Portugal to the rest of Europe through an undersea pipeline.
It is working to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy and is helping to make the transition to cleaner energy sources.
Spain, France, and Portugal agreed in December 2022 to build the pipeline by 2030, and now Germany has joined the project.
Running from the port of Barcelona to Marseille, hydrogen made from water via electrolysis will be transported, a process which uses renewable energy.
The Spanish Government has estimated that the pipeline will be able to supply 2 million metric tonnes of hydrogen to France annually, which is about 10 per cent of the EU’s estimated hydrogen needs.
Therefore, this is a significant contribution to meeting the energy needs of the region, and it is expected to cost 2.5 billion euros. By collaborating, the countries are supporting Spain to be positioned as a leading hub for green energy in Europe.