Will a Hydrogen Super-Hub Transform Southampton?

HIL explores how a super-hub could transform the South of England as the country pushes towards a low-carbon future.
SGN is exploring the potential of a hydrogen super-hub in the Port of Southampton. In partnership with Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG), the Southampton Water Project will scope the site’s suitability as a centre of excellence for hydrogen production and distribution.
It will also focus on carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), and other green technologies.
It aims to support and facilitate the decarbonisation of local industry and transport. Laying the groundwork for the full decarbonisation of our network in the south of England is essential.
One of six major industrial clusters identified by the UK Government, the region is home to a bustling city of around 250,000 residents, heavy industrial sites, and one of the country’s major ports.
Other assets and infrastructure such as pipelines and heavy transport make the area an ideal starting point for the introduction of hydrogen in the south.