Alastair Scott

Energy Futures Project Officer, SGN
Following graduation from his Masters of Mechanical Engineering degree at Heriot-Watt University, Alastair joined SGN as an Energy Futures Graduate in 2018. Now an Energy Futures Project Officer, he has worked on a variety of projects, including the ground breaking Real-Time Networks project and closely supported SGN’s H100 Fife and LTS Futures projects through the bidding process. Alastair was heavily involved in the development of SGN’s RIIO-GD2 business plan and continues to input to the development of SGN’s wider decarbonisation strategy as part of the system transformation and business development team. He is closely involved in the development of SGN’s collaborative work with industrial clusters and prospective hydrogen producers to deliver the system transformation of the gas networks, with a particular focus on the Solent Cluster, Aberdeen and the central belt of Scotland.