IMI Appoints Technical Expert to Drive Growth of Green Hydrogen

IMI has appointed technical hydrogen expert Dr Cornelia Neumann as its new Sales and Business Development Manager. She will be responsible for growing the company’s portfolio of hydrogen customers across Germany, in key sectors such as transport, power and industry.
Dr Neumann joins IMI to support its ongoing energy transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. Her appointment follows the company’s expansion into the green hydrogen market with development of the IMI VIVO PEM electrolyser, which is already being used in research institutions, such as the University of Sheffield, and across R&D departments of key sectors, such as transport.
Gaining a doctorate in technical chemistry from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2020, Dr Neumann has more than three years’ experience in the chemical industry, specialising in electrochemistry.
IMI is growing its presence in the German market, particularly within mobility where hydrogen can be used to power fleets of buses and other forms of public transport. Green hydrogen, like that supplied by the IMI VIVO PEM electrolyser, offers superior range when compared to electric vehicles, making it an ideal fuel for haulage and inter-city transportation.
Dr Neumann said: “The hydrogen revolution is something I’m passionate about, and our PEM electrolysers will play a critical role in the increased use of the fuel across Germany. IMI is leading the charge for greener industry and is focused on making the energy transition a success.
Hydrogen fuel cells offer better range and uptime, as well as weight savings, which is particularly important in the German market where hilly terrain can pose challenges for vehicles fitted with heavy batteries.
“Offering innovative green hydrogen technology to our customers is hugely important, and a key part of making the transition from fossil fuels both realistic and affordable. We offer a complete package that makes it easier than ever for businesses to kick-start the production of green hydrogen.”
Hydrogen will prove crucial in the worldwide transition to sustainable and cleaner energy, according to the International Energy Agency. When powered using renewables, such as wind and solar, the IMI VIVO PEM electrolyser provides businesses with a simple way to generate clean hydrogen fuel.
This decentralised capability is key, given that only a small percentage of today’s hydrogen can legitimately be classified as ‘green’, with much of it produced at large, centralised facilities far from the needs of the businesses that need it.
Dr Neumann added: “Our IMI VIVO electrolyser is designed to unlock the hydrogen value chain, and our goal is to make it easier for businesses to generate, store and use the fuel at scale. I am excited to direct this effort across Germany and the surrounding regions by demonstrating the power of breakthrough engineering for a better world.”