Colombia and Japan Forge New Hydrogen Alliance

Byline: Hannah Wintle
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) signed on April 10 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P. (EPM) of the Republic of Colombia.
The objectives of the MOU include promoting cooperation in the sector of hydrogen and its derivatives, including ammonia.
EPM is a public utility company wholly owned by the Municipality of Medellín, which is the second-largest city in Colombia. It operates in a wide range of areas, such as power generation, electricity transmission and distribution, gas distribution, and water supply and sewerage.
In order to lead the energy transition toward decarbonisation in Colombia, EPM developed its roadmap for green hydrogen production by using its abundant renewable energy resources, mainly hydropower.
In addition, it has promoted cooperation with Japanese companies in such areas as renewable energy, electricity transmission and distribution, and water, sanitation, and waste management.
With this MOU between JBIC and EPM, under which the framework for collaboration between the two organizations is to be developed, JBIC aims to accelerate the structuring of projects for developing the supply chain of hydrogen and its derivatives and promote cooperation between EPM and Japanese companies in such fields as renewable energy, electricity transmission and distribution, and water, sanitation, and waste management.
As Japan’s policy-based financial institution, JBIC will continue to contribute toward creating business opportunities for Japanese companies and securing a stable supply of resources for Japan through strengthened cooperation with important partners in the decarbonization sector.