Entrepreneurs invited to European Hydrogen Valleys 2024 in Latvia
Latvian Hydrogen Association is inviting entrepreneurs to the European Hydrogen Valleys 2024 Hydrogen Start–up Investor Forum. It will take place on the […]
Honda Launches America’s First Hydrogen FCEV
America’s first hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, the 2025 CR-V e:FCEV, will be made by Honda and they recently celebrated the begin […]
African Energy Week to Host Powering Africa Summit
The African Energy Week: Invest in African Energy conference will host a dedicated summit on leveraging natural gas, renewable, nuclear and green […]
The CEHC Aims to Create a Hydrogen “Highway“ in Central Europe
The Central European Hydrogen Corridor (CEHC) aims to create a hydrogen “highway“ in Central Europe for transporting hydrogen from major hydrogen supply […]
Hydrogen-powered Vehicles: A Realistic Path to Clean Energy?
Transportation is the largest U.S. contributor to climate change, making hydrogen power a potential long-term solution for reducing carbon emissions. However, hydrogen […]
France’s Promising Hydrogen-Industry Spearheaded by Lyfhe and Teréga
Although France is not known to be particularly proactive within the European hydrogen industry, recent news shows that the nation is well […]
Hydrogen Vehicle Purchase Conundrum: Growth in Japan but Decline Globally
Despite growth in Japan, American and South Korean sales decline – due to fueling outages and escalating H2 fuel costs. Global sales […]
ReCarbon Inc. Announces Launch of New Hydrogen Initiative
The Antelope Valley Circular Hydrogen Initiative is poised to be lauched by the City of Lancaster California and ReCarbon Inc. The initiative […]
SoutH2 Corridor Berlin, Vienna and Romen Sign a Joint Declaration of Intent
The SoutH2 Corridor is a hydrogen pipeline connecting the H2 Notos hydrogen project in North Africa to Italy, Austria and Germany. H2 […]