American Airlines Commits to 100 ZeroAvia Hydrogen-powered Engines
One hundred hydrogen-electric engines have been purchased from ZeroAvia on a conditional basis by American Airlines. The airline’s purchase contributes to the […]
Paulo Squariz: “E-methanol is One of the Most Likely Candidates to Replace Fossil Fuels in the Maritime Industry”
Power giant Eletrobras and pulp maker Suzano have been discussing a partnership since last year and will now explore the feasibility of […]
The Importance of Safety Auditing as the Hydrogen Economy Grows
A recent government audit reveals that the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (Kitech), a government research institute, issued 14 falsified and fabricated […]
Hydrogen and Ammonia: Pillars of Japan’s Energy Security
The year 2024 signifies a transformative phase in Japan’s hydrogen strategy. Early in the year, Japan implemented two groundbreaking laws: the Hydrogen […]
UK’s First Offshore Hydrogen Production Trials Begin in Wales
ERM, the world’s largest specialist sustainability consultancy, has launched offshore trials to test key elements of its innovative Dolphyn Hydrogen process. Following […]
Hydrogen Safety in Ukraine: Regulations and Legislation
The regulatory framework for hydrogen in Ukraine is fragmented, and a single legal act has yet to regulate hydrogen. Existing laws on […]
Hydrogen Safety: How Different Countries Take Separate Approaches
Hydrogen, as an energy source, needs to be included more and more in security systems for civil and military purposes. Considering the […]
Flint MTA Unveils Two New Hydrogen Buses, Six Electric Vehicles
Hydrogen buses, purchased for around $4.3 million, along with six electric vehicles have been unveiled by Flint MTA. The company also revelaed […]
GH2 Launches Centre At Nile University
At the Egypt-EU Investment Conference in Cairo on 29-30 June, the Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2) and Nile University launched the GH2 International […]