IGD: How Flammable Gas Detectors Enhance Electrolyser Scalability?
Flammable gas detectors are key to scaling the potential of electrolysers and protecting people who want to use electrolysers to safely create hydrogen […]
Hydrogen Safety in Czech Republic: Regulations and Legislation
There is no dedicated hydrogen legislation in the Czech Republic. Existing provisions of the legal framework primarily relate to the use of […]
CHS: Exploring the Hydrogen Safety Vision
Centre for Hydrogen safety (CHS) is a global non-profit dedicated to promoting hydrogen safety and best practices worldwide by supporting and promoting […]
Ulsan Sees First Hydrogen Tram in Service by 2028
Ulsan is investing 23.5 billion won (approximately 16 million euros) to introduce hydrogen trams as part of its transition to sustainable energy. […]
SK Plug Hyverse Completes Liquid Hydrogen Refuelling Station
This joint venture between SK E&S and Plug Power has completed the construction of a state-of-the-art liquid hydrogen refuelling station designed to […]
bp Joins Consortium To Explore Green Hydrogen Development in Egypt
bp has entered into a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) to join the existing consortium comprising of Masdar, Hassan Allam Utilities and Infinity […]
The Growing Role of the EHSP Across Europe
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) is a public-private partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities […]
American Airlines Commits to 100 ZeroAvia Hydrogen-powered Engines
One hundred hydrogen-electric engines have been purchased from ZeroAvia on a conditional basis by American Airlines. The airline’s purchase contributes to the […]
Paulo Squariz: “E-methanol is One of the Most Likely Candidates to Replace Fossil Fuels in the Maritime Industry”
Power giant Eletrobras and pulp maker Suzano have been discussing a partnership since last year and will now explore the feasibility of […]